Changing Lodges

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OttawaMan's picture
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There really needs to be a handbook for potential candidates to help them make the right decisions prior to applying.  Here's my dilema. 

I live in town A.  My lodge moved to town B to share accomodations with 2 other lodges.

I have applied and have been initiated at a lodge in Town C because it is closer to my home in Town A.


I mistakenly assumed that my hometown lodge A being further away would be populated by people from town B and that the lodge was called Lodge A in name only.


My problem is that I want to be in a lodge that is working to help my community but find that because I joined a lodge in Town C, my efforts will be going to that community.  I don't have a problem with that but had I known that Lodge A was indeed populated with people I might know and that their charity work would benefit my town A, I would have petitioned Lodge A.


I don't want to hurt the feelings of my Mother lodge.  They have been great.  So would it be selfish and in poor taste of me to transfer to my hometown's lodge?  I seriously didn't know how these things worked but I'm learning that alot of lodges are housed in places that aren't really where they belong.

I should probably just talk to my WM right?

Æleksandr's picture
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My first response to this is

My first response to this is to all potential Candidates: Question as much as posible about the activities of the lodge that is considering you as a Member.  There tends to be several Masonic Lodges opperating in your area; so feel free to 'shop around' amongst these Lodges to find the right fit for you (i.e. direction, attitude, etc.).

Back on topic:


As far as I can read into the constitutions for Ontario [if your name is accurate; i.e. Ottawa, Ontario affiliated; and keep in mind I am an EA at the time of this post] I cannot see any reasonable basis why you could not change lodges [I am not sure if there is a specific procedure in this respect, or other laws outside my current purview].  However, my guess is should you do so, your integrity may come into question.


Also, [at least in my district] there tends to be a common District charity/Goal/Target/etc., regardless of the specific regional affiliation, which is supported.  And, I am guessing the there is a similar thing going on in your district.  Anything outside the District’s attention may fall to the local Lodges; however, regardless if you think you think you may have joined the ‘wrong’ Lodge based on your immediate location, any charitable effects that may come from your [current] Lodge’s location/attention can filtrate to other areas [including the focus of the other local Lodges]. And, if you think such concerns are overlooked, be the person to bring such things to the attention to the brethren; there is no harm in doing so [outside of being called out-of-order in Lodge]; just because you may be part of a Lodge that is currently populated by brethren from Vanier does not mean that you cannot support efforts in Barrhaven.

In any case, my view is that if you join masonry there is no ‘wrong’ Lodge to join; the teachings are the same, regardless. In this specific case, the attention of the virtue of charity is yours to decide, whether it be through the district charity or one more local to you [which you feel more adamant about]; that is your decision.

RoughAshlar's picture
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Erubli hit the nail right on

Erubli hit the nail right on the head, excellent advice.

Id also add that while most lodges support whichever charity the Grand Master supports as well as the Masonic Charitable Foundation, it is up to the individual Mason how he practices that Charity.   I know brothers who's main charitable act is volunteering at their church, others offer there time to chair local community groups, some make simple donations to whichever charity he thinks is important or buying a plate of food at a charity fund raiser.

If you are looking for a lodge that takes direct action on behalf of their local, you might have to search for quite a while.  That being said, If there is a specific issue in your community you want to address, Im sure you will find brothers willing to take up the cause with you.

The lodge must have an Initiatic Focus, which means that the brethren must always remember that striving to improve themselves in Masonry and assisting candidates and fellow brethren in doing the same is chief among their duties.

User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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all great answers

OttawaMan, you can ( if you are fianacially able ) remain a member of your mother and affiliate to any lodge you wish, if it is geographically convienient for you. The only other option would be to demit from your mother lodge and join another. It is great that you want to support your community, as a mason that should be your first priority regarding charitible work, but never forget that charity is needed all over the world not just in the immediate vacinity of your home.

I myself moved from one community to another, which is a 30 minute drive on meeting nights. I have chosen to remain a member of my mother lodge for multiple reasons. As I am about to take the great step into Solomons chair in the next masonic year, and have worked so hard and long to have my brethren have enough faith in me to make it so come the elections in May, it is just not in the cards for me to pick and leave or even affiliate as I will have my hands full next year.


I hope this will help.




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Vankleek Hill, Ont


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