
Freemason Store


Below testimonials are provided by freemasonstore.com

Testimonial by Michael
Order arrived today........I am very happy with the product.... I am VERY HAPPY with
the ring you provided for me...Thank you. Fraternally, Gander

Testimonial by Shirley
Thank you ever so much for the great service. I have received all items in good time
and great shape. Shirley

Testimonial by Craig
I have been very impressed by the service and can only thank you again for the work
that you have done, rest assured I will be ordering from yourselves in the future and
will be passing on your name to my fellow brethern. Yours sincerely, Craig

Testimonial by Larry
Your efficiency is very refreshing......what else should a brother expect? Thank you.

Testimonial by Michelle
Thank you so very much for all of your help. The package arrived yesterday morning.
My husband was installed as Worshipful Master of his lodge last night. He loved it, as
did a few other people (I guess I will be Christmas shopping from your website). I can't
thank you enough for going the extra mile. I have passed along your web address to
fellow wives of Masons and I am sure they will love the items you carry. Again, I thank
you for making my husband's special night even better. Sincerely, Michelle

Testimonial by Richard

Dear Brother Many thanks for this e-mail I have long been searching for just such a
site as this in order to purchase masonic goods which are usually quite difficult to
acquire locally here in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Please offer up to your worshipfull
master, officers and brethren my heartfelt fraternal greetings. Brother Richard {Chaplain}
Bydand masonic lodge No92 Province of Antrim. Irish constitution

Testimonial by George
I would like to thank you for your great service. I will order very soon from you again
because the design was great and the customer service was excellent. Thank you.

Testimonial by Raymond
Thank you Sophia for everything I know it was a huge order, but you managed to get
the job done. I also would like to thank the organization in charge of making sure the
inventory and shipping went well. Thanks for all the items, I am a completely satisfied

Testimonial by James
Thank you for your efforts and kind words! This particular ring is the very best design
that I have found after a month of searching. I will order the rings today. I have, as
you said, printed out a picture and shown it to the other recipient (one is for myself).
It is GREAT to do business online with someone who cares as much as you do. God
Bless You. Regards, Bro. James

Testimonial by David
Thank you very much. I have been very impressed with ya'lls service. I've signed up
on the affiliate program and have placed a link on my personal web page in two places.
I have forwarded my web page address to everyone at our lodge and will be ordering
soon. David

Testimonial by Troy

Bro. Mondrus, Thxs very much I will be placing more orders in the future,also will be
supplying your website to other brethren....... Thxs Bro. Troy

Testimonial by Megan
Just received the ring. It's beautiful. My husband was very surprised and excited to
have it. Thank you for your expedience and your help. Megan

Testimonial by Andrew
Thank you for helping me out in this matter. I never met another mature and
professional customer service represenative that is willing to go out of their way
for the customer. Again thank you for your time in this matter. Andrew

Testimonial by Cecil
My ring has arrived...and I am completely happy and satisfied with the order and
the procedure through the FreeMasonStore. I will be shopping for a Past Masters
ring in a couple of years. And you can be assured that I will use your company for
that also. Cecil

Testimonial by Daryl
Thanks for your dedication to make sure that all of us that ordered the head covers
will receive them. I am glad they have a person like you working for the Masons.
Sincerely, Daryl

Testimonial by Hodge
Greetings Bro. Mondrus, For many months now I have been getting your emails about
the great upcoming events with The Freemanson Website and store. I love the
choices and the diversity of creating great looking apparel and lodge items. Just
wanted to say keep up the great work and keep the ideas coming. Bro Hodge

Testimonial by Angela
Hi Sophia, Again I want to thank you for the tremendous job you have done in ensuring
that I got my order. It means a lot to consumers to know that someone is there that
actually cares and isn’t there just for a paycheck. I did receive the cuff link set yesterday
and it is more beautiful than the picture depicted. I was very ecstatic. Please forward
this message to your boss. I am sure that he would be glad to know that he has a
wonderful, dedicated, and strong-willed person in his office. You have instilled my faith
in customer service and internet ordering I look extremely forward in doing business
again. I just wish all customer service representatives were like you, but I do believe in
praising and rewarding those that are. I hope that he does reward you for your help and
understanding, and if not then at least you know that your work is appreciated. Thank
you again for all your time, efforts, and for everything really, and may you be blessed.
Sincerely, Angela