Fellowcraft Degree Workshop

news - Posted on 03 January 2009

Source: Grand Lodge of Manitoba

The Fellowcraft Degree builds on many of the lessons first presented to the Entered Apprentice and prepares one for the tremendously important Master Mason Degree. This degree focuses on the mature man, the working man and the working tools reflect that fact. However, upon entering the Middle Chamber we realize that we are just beginning our journey. We recognize the need to develop our minds beyond the level of practical knowledge for we are introduced to the intuitive or spiritual levels. There is a vast difference between merely knowing something and really understanding it. Knowledge is the beginning, not the end of this process.

It is estimated that there are as many as 100,000 books written about Freemasonry. Many of these expound upon an individual’s interpretation of the allegory and symbolism of the Craft. Often times they repeat what they have read elsewhere but on occasion they introduce a totally new view of the story contained within the ritual. This workshop combines much of the lesser known interpretations and presents it in a unique way. Passing through the two great pillars has a great significance, so too the pass word has a deep and profound meaning. The letter ‘G’ in our lodges we are told represents the Grand Geometrician but we never pause to consider the sacred geometry which the Creator used in designing our wonderful world and the being which exists in His own image. Even the name He gave to Moses upon the mount can serve as a unifying force among mankind when properly understood.

On Saturday, January 17th those interested in pursuing a fuller understanding of the mysteries of this degree will meet at MMC and share their passion for the quest with other like minded men. Consider joining us.

Lodge secretaries have further information and registration forms.