Grand First Principals Christmas Message

news - Posted on 03 January 2009

Source: Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Ontario

Companions, Brethren and Friends,

Marjorie and I extend to you and your family compliments of the season and a very special blessing on this most celebrated time of year.  Whatever your spiritual belief would be, may the Most High watch over your endeavors and embrace in what is good.

Be especially thankful and show your appreciation to our security forces for their sacrifice of quality family time to ensure peace, freedom and safety prevails here at home.

In this time of depressed investment returns, let us be patient and make wise decisions for the future.  The recent reduced price of gasoline is at least one bright outlook on our economics. Maybe all projects did not develop as expected but, we still have much to be thankful for, and as we bustle about in last minute plans, let us remember to appreciate our beautiful wide open space without that fear of danger. The growth within our midst is strengthened by effective mentoring of our youth to aim for high standards.

As we look forward to a new beginning, the calendar closes, year end reports presented, and resolutions initiated for 2009.  May you be successful in all your activities.

Roland and Marjorie Paddle 

Grand First Principal